Happy New Year!

January 3rd, 2007

Out with the old, in with the new! We spent the end of 2006 and first few days of 2007 with family in Vancouver. It’s rare to see the Fenns and Great Grandpa Walker on the west coast and we wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. A fun time was had by all, Katie and Alex were great with the boys and we got in a few games of pinochle with Grandpa. Hope you had a great 2006 and are looking forward to an even better 2007!

New Years in Vancouver

Rough Birthday for Brandon

December 30th, 2006

Poor kid. The boys have had a bit of a cough the past day or so but it seemed the worst was over. After a long car ride to Canada and checking onto our hotel, Brandon was screaming, crying, grabbing at his ear and generally inconsolable. We decided that this was out of character for him and called the doctor who recommended we take him to the emergency room. We were seen pretty quickly for an ER, they looked into his ear and proclaimed that he had quite an ear infection. Total costs for an out of country ER visit and antibiotics, $500. Now I know why the Canadians have free healthcare, they stick it to the tourists.

Happy Birthdays!

December 29th, 2006

The boys got to celebrate a day early with their local family because of our trip to Vancouver. They each had their very own chocolate construction cake. We had to slice and eat Brandon’s because Anton turned his into a working mud pit and was deemed unfit for consumption. They received many nice presents and did a great job opening each and every one of them. Thank you for all the cards, thoughts and gifts, they loved them all!

Birthday Cake 2006

Mommy, you’re a disaster.

December 26th, 2006

uttered 12/26/2006

Mommy: I have to clean the kitchen because it’s a disaster.
Anton: Mommy, you’re a disaster too.

Merry Christmas!

December 25th, 2006

Anton was up bright and early and made sure everyone else was too, “Mom, Dad, wake up! Brandon, wake up! Santa came!” Did he ever! The boys added to their wooden train set and should now have more than enough to build whatever they want. Plenty of other toys and gifts as well including Anton’s very first bike and a ride-in police car for Brandon. No place to use them at home so they’ll stay at Grandpa and Nonna’s to ride during visits.

We spent time at home, with the Wilson’s and on the phone catching up with friends and family. All in all, a great day! Next stop, birthdays!

Opening Christmas Presents

Christmas Presents - Bike and Police Car

‘Twas the night before Christmas

December 24th, 2006

Time to get ready for Santa! We spent the day cleaning up, decorating the tree and hanging stockings. Just before bed, we tried to set out milk and cookies for Santa but Brandon wouldn’t play along and ate all Santa’s cookies. Mom and Dad made sure to replace them so Santa wouldn’t go hungry.

Cookies for Santa...   and Brandon

‘Twas the night before the night before Christmas

December 23rd, 2006

What do you do on the night before the night before Christmas? Write (and send) your last minute letters to Santa of course!

Writing Santa Letters

Sending Santa Letters

We’re back!

December 23rd, 2006

Long time, no see! We’re going to try this again and hopefully we’ll be better about posting updates. Daddy has installed some software to make it easier for us to post news and pictures which should make things faster and lower the barriers that kept us from working on the site.

So, what has happened since our last update? Anton learned to walk, talk, sing, count, memorize the alphabet, use the potty, draw, yell, watch TV, use the computer, apologize and be a big brother. It won’t be news to most of you, but anyone that was relying on babyurban.com for all their news will be surprised to know we had another boy, Brandon Archer Urban. He’s almost 2 now, so you’ve missed a bit. Let’s catch you up. He’s learned to crawl, walk, run, make animal noises, say a lot letter sounds, watch TV, play cars, trains, blocks, enjoy story time, and be a great little brother. Brandon is a “sweet-machine” and helps to balance Anton’s active demeanor. Yin and Yang.

We’ve also been very fortunate to have Grandpa and “Nonna” Wilson move to the Seattle area a few months ago. The boys love having their grandparents nearby, Mommy and I are happy to have them closer and I think Grandpa and Nonna love it too.

Oh yeah, if you’re looking for it, you can find the ‘old site’ right here. It’s been archived and some of the links might not work but there are some good baby pics of Anton and it’s fun to look back on the way things were. I’ll be moving a couple things to the new site when time allows.